Books of Letters
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Letters from the
Good War: A Young Man's Discovery of the World
Hugh Aaron
"Letters were crucial during World War
II," writes author Hugh Aaron, a veteran whose
service in the 113th Naval Construction Battalion spun
more that 1,000 letters in World War II... (More
If I Live to Come
Home: The Civil War Letters of Sergeant John
March Cate
Jean M. Cate, editor
Jean Cate, the wife of Sergeant Cate's grandson, complies
a unique collection of Civil War era letters that recount
one soldier's three years of service, including
historical and factual notes. A fascinating and useful
historical tool, even for lay-readers.
We Will Not Be
Strangers: Korean War Letters Between a M.A.S.H.
Surgeon and His Wife
Dorothy G. Horwitz, editor
In the first war Americans didn't care to understand,
young M*A*S*H surgeon Mel Horwitz finds himself in a
dusty hospital tent on the Korean front. He and his new
wife--back in Manhattan--exchange letters in which they
express the timeless urgency of young love and a mutual
contempt for war.
Since You Went
Away : World War II Letters from American Women
on the Home Front
David C. Smith and Judy Barrett Litoff
A fascinating portrait of America during World
War II, based on women's letters from the home front. Since
You Went Away is drawn from the authors' collection
of more than 25,000 letters by American women of all
backgrounds and ages from all over the U.S. Includes a
pictorial essay of war-time cartoons, posters, and other
