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A Time for
Trumpets: The Untold Story of the Battle of the Bulge
Charles B. MacDonald
he Battle of the Bulge is significant in the annals of war not only because of how it ended, but also because of how it began disastrously for the Allied forces. In a final effort to change the course of the war, Hitler launched a surprise attack on Allied forces in the Ardennes region of Belgium and Luxembourg. But what began as a failure of inconceivable magnitude by U.S. Army intelligence ended in the most decisive European victory of World War II and the greatest American Army victory ever. One of America's most respected historians, Charles B. MacDonald also fought in the Battle of the Bulge as an infantry commander. He tells the story of this remarkable battle with both the perspective of an eminent military historian and the immediacy of an eyewitness. His authority and experience make
A Time for Trumpets an unmatched work of veracity and power.
Charles B. MacDonald
As a newly commissioned Captain of a veteran Army regiment, MacDonald's first combat was war at its most hellish-the Battle of the Bulge.
Lincoln on
Leadership : Executive Strategies for Tough Times
Donald T. Phillips
A must read for military leaders and
business people. Phillips offers simple, straight forward
examples on how to be a stellar leader when everyone is
fighting against you. He takes you through Abraham
Lincoln's administration and the proven techniques he
used to win people over to his way of thinking. You also
come away from the book with a deep sense of respect for
President Lincoln.
The Founding
Fathers on Leadership: Classic Teamwork in Changing Times
Donald T. Phillips
When America aspired to break free from
Britain, the real-life David-and-Goliath situation
required that a full-blown cadre of dynamic leaders arise
immediately from the revolutionary populace. As history
shows, it did. Now, Donald T. Phillips--writer, speaker,
and mayor of Fairview, Texas--uses those events to
suggest ways that today's business people can likewise
overcome tough odds and achieve success. Goal-setting,
communication, and risk-taking, Phillips writes in The
Founding Fathers on Leadership: Classic Teamwork in
Changing Times, are just a few of the traits to be
learned by studying Washington, Jefferson, and their
Business Not As
Usual: How to Win Managing a Company Through Hard and Easy Times
Hugh Aaron
and powerful essays on how to run a business,
based on experience, not theory. This book is being used
in business school classrooms; some chapters have been
copied entirely into other texts. Eight of its 68
sub-chapters were published in the Manager's Journal
column of The Wall Street Journal. Read about:
What makes entrepreneurs different; why they fail or
succeed; how a CEO successfully copes with recession -
and a rebound; a prescription for improving productivity;
an outline of an incentive plan; the fundamental role of
a business's culture; and much more.
