Military Cooking
Food Preparation and Serving
June 2000
Although it is desirable for mess personnel to prepare the supper
meal in the rear area, it will sometimes be necessary for them to
prepare this meal, at least in part, while the kitchen truck is en route
... (Continued)
Serving Food in the Field
May 2000
When operating in the field, the messing unit is faced
with a different situation from that of a unit in the garrison. When
supplies arrive, the mess sergeant can inventory them to see what is
on hand, and break ... (Continued)
Messing in Forward Areas
February 2000
Conditions close to the front lines are unstable, for the work must
be performed under the danger of continuous combat conditions. Since
positions are likely to change frequently, mess personnel ... (Continued)
Serving Meals in the Combat Area
February 2000
When the tactical situation will not permit unit
messing at a semi-permanent installation, a site is selected for the
company messing in the forward area. This company location should be
near the troops ... (Continued)
Lifeblood of
the U.S. Navy: Good Coffee November 1999
Sailors can nonchalantly polish their fingernails on
their lapels -- if they had lapels -- when the
conversation turns to coffee brewing. Sensitive-palate
coffee quaffers admit that when it comes to preparing ...
Special Feature: Baking Bread in the World
War I Army October 1999
In World War I, the U.S. Army didn't have the luxury of
buying bread from vendors like Rainbow or Wonder. All
bread consumed by the troops had to be baked by post
bakeries or the field bakery company ... (Continued)
A.E.F. Cooks
Complain of Poor Bread October 1999
The motive behind this memorandum puzzles me since
investigators from the Army's Sanitary Corps later found
many problems with the way bread was being baked and
shipped in the A.E.F. One of the most ... (Continued)
Making Methods -- 1916 October 1999
There are two general methods of making bread: By
the sponge and dough process, in which a sponge is first
set, by using about one-half of the flour, about
four-sevenths of the water, and all the (Continued)
Field Bakery
Production Schedule -- 1916 October 1999
In the U.S. Army of World War I, six men could bake
enough bread to sustain a regiment of Doughboys. With one
Army Field Bake Oven No. 1 at their disposal, this squad
of bakers molded ... (Continued)
SOS: The
American Military's Comfort Food August 1999
Like most veterans, letters and packages kept me going
during the early weeks of my naval career. Care packages,
stuffed with candy and cookies, played an important role
in keeping me connected ... (Continued)
How the Cooks
Prepare SOS August 1999
I recently asked two retired military cooks how they
made SOS. Both cooks served in the American military from
the middle of the Korean War until the end of the Vietnam
War after twenty-plus years of service.... (Continued)
