Brewing Coffee the Navy Way
Recipes and coffee making guidelines
excerpted from the 1945 edition of the Cook Book of
the United States Navy
[General Rules]
[Care of Equipment] [Glass
Coffee Makers]
[Navy Coffee Recipes]
Roasted coffee is a delicate and
perishable product. Whether ground or in the bean, unless
vacuum packed in tin, coffee requires careful handling.
It looses both flavor and strength on contact with air.
Store coffee, tightly covered, in a cool,
dry place. Avoid storing it near foods which have strong
odors. Roasted coffee readily absorbs foreign odors, and
these make themselves apparent in the finished brew.
If coffee in bean is procured for general
mess use, grind only the quantity required just previous
to using it each time the brew is made.
Navy coffee has been expertly blended and
roasted. If a few simple rules for making coffee are
followed, a rich and enjoyable brew may be expected.
Always use clean equipment.
Rinse urn bag with fresh cold
water before using.
Measure coffee and water
Use freshly drawn cold water
which has been brought to a rapid bubbling boil
for brewing coffee.
Hold finished coffee at
temperature of 185o F to 190o
F until served. Never allow finished coffee to
Remove grounds as soon as coffee
is made. Seepage from coffee grounds impairs the
good flavor and aroma.
Use fresh coffee for each brew.
Never use any portion of used coffee grounds a
second time.
Make coffee fresh as needed.
Never allow more that an hour to elapse between
making and serving coffee.
of urn equipment
Keep all parts of urn equipment
scrupulously clean.
Rinse thoroughly with clear,
clean water after each use.
Wash urn twice each 24 hours
using urn brush, hot water and washing soda. Use
approximately 1 tablespoon washing soda for each
quart water.
Rinse urn thoroughly several
times with clear, hot water. Be sure that all
traces of washing soda are removed.
Rinse coffee faucet on urn daily.
Scrub all parts thoroughly with brush, hot water
and washing soda. Rinse thoroughly with clear,
hot water. Insert a long, thin coffee pipe brush
and scrub inside of faucet pipe and plug at
bottom of inner liner thoroughly. Rinse with
clear, hot water.
Clean gauge glasses at least
twice each week using gauge glass brush, hot
water and washing soda. Rinse thoroughly with
clear, hot water.
Rinse urn bag in clear, cold
water after each use. Keep bag submerged in cold
water at all times when not in use. Renew cloth
bag frequently.
If filter basket is used, wash
and dry all parts thoroughly after each use.
of Glass Coffee makers
Wash upper and lower bowls in
clear, hot water after each use.
Rinse filter cloth in clear, cold
water. Keep submerged in cold water when not in
use. Renew frequently. Scald new filter cloth.
Rinse in cold water before use.
Dry outside of upper and lower
bowls before placing over heat. Never allow empty
bowl to remain on heat.
Scrub out tube of upper bowls
regularly with still brush to remove all coffee
Place coffee maker on rubber,
asbestos or cork mat after removing from heating
unit. Heat-resistant glass may break if placed
while hot on a cold surface.
coffee recipes
Coffee -- Urn
Bag Method
Coffee --
Filter or Drip Method
Coffee --
Percolator Method
Coffee --
Vacuum-Type Coffee Maker Method
Coffee Prepared
with Cream and Sugar
Here's an interesting article on Navy coffee from All
Hands Magazine in 1948.
Bureau of Supplies and
Accounts. Cook Book of the United States Navy. NavSandA Pub.
7. Washington: GPO, July 1, 1945. 456pp. This information is taken
from page 34.
November 1999
