Chipped, Creamed and Minced Beef Recipes Every military cookbook published since the start of the Nineteenth Century has a recipe for at least one SOS dish, including Chipped Beef, Creamed Beef or Minced Beef. These recipes are offered as I found them in the cookbooks. They only thing I have done is to list the ingredients in a table for easier reading and to use standard abbreviations for weights and measures. Cooking instructions are as they are found on the original recipe. Here's a selection: Chipped Beef 1942 The Army Cook (TM 10-405) 1945 Cook Book of the United States Navy (NavSandA P-7) Creamed Beef 1942 The Army Cook (TM 10-405) 1969 Armed Forces Recipe Service (AFRS) Bob Hersey's Recipe from K Troop/11th ACR Minced Beef 1940 Cook Book of the United States Navy (NavSandA P-7) 1962 Navy-Marine Corps Recipe Service (NavSandA P-7) August 1999