Rapid Deployment Kitchen Unlike most field kitchens that use small multipurpose burners in each appliance, the RDK uses a single large burner to heat a thermal fluid that is circulated to the appliances. This concept has proven to be very efficient and responds quickly with more heat than conventional burners. With thermal fluid heat transfer, cooks can prepare more food faster, and with greater safety and comfort than current burner systems. Key Features
Significant Advantages
Status This technology was successfully demonstrated in FY97 and transitioned to a large Marine Corps containerized kitchen. The Marine Corps containerized RDK will be tested during FY99. The smaller HMMWV-towable RDK is currently being improved with a cogenerator, and is called the Central Heat Unit Cogeneration Kitchen or CHUCK wagon. The CHUCK wagon will be demonstrated during 4Q99 and transitioned to Advanced Development as a possible replacement for the Armys aging Mobile Kitchen Trailer. Reprinted from the Army's Field Feeding Equipment Research and Development page. November 1999