MREs Set Standard for Military RationsIf you cooked a meal, stored it in a
stifling hot warehouse, dropped it out of an airplane,
dragged it through the mud, left it out with bugs and
vermin, and ate it three years later, nothing would
happen-if it were an MRE. ... (Continued)

Components: Wheat in the Army Ration
Wheat is the most important of the cereals
grown in this country. It thrives in temperate
regions, but does not flourish in the tropics.
All wheat's may ... (Continued) |
At Sea:
One for the Birds
The question -- "Which came first, the chicken or
the egg?" -- had plagued man through the ages. Endless
debate had raged, but the egg people ... (Continued) |
Law: 1794
Navy Ration
As early as 1794, Congress provided for the daily
subsistence of Navymen. Here's the bill of fare, as prescribed
by law ... (Continued) |
Rations: Boxed Kitchen
Pull the tab, wait about 20 minutes and then unpack the box containing separate heated entrée, vegetable, starch and dessert trays complete with
plates ... (Continued) |