The 1794 Navy
Ration Law
Reprinted from April 1952 All Hands
As early as 1794, Congress provided for
the daily subsistence of Navymen. Here's the bill of
fare, as prescribed by law, at the time:
Sunday -- 1 lb bread, 1-½ lb
beef, ½ pt rice
Monday -- 1 lb bread, 1 lb pork,
½ pt peas, 4 oz cheese
Tuesday -- 1 lb bread, 1-½ lb
beef, 1 lb potatoes or turnips and pudding
Wednesday -- 1 lb bread, 2 oz
butter or, in lieu thereof, 6 oz molasses, 4 oz
cheese and ½ pt rice
Thursday -- 1 lb bread, 1 lb
pork, ½ pint peas, ½ pt peas or beans
Friday -- 1 lb bread, 1 lb salt
fish, 2 oz butter or 1 gill oil and 1 lb potatoes
Saturday -- 1 lb bread, 1 lb
pork, ½ pint peas or beans, 4 oz cheese
Congress also provided that "there
shall also be allowed one-half pint of distilled spirits
per day or, in lieu thereof, one quart of beer per day,
to each ration."
