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Shingle Springs, CA
Copyright © 1998
All rights reserved
Last update:
October 21, 2000
Characteristics of a Good
The readers of the Seabee
Log enjoy informative and historically accurate
stories told from the veteran's point of view. Favored
articles are thoroughly researched and written in a
fresh, easy to read style.
Understand what the
magazine is about and the style its readers appreciate
and understand. Read current and past issues of the Seabee
Log. The circulation manger will gladly send a few
copies your way. Yes, you do have to pay for them. But we
believe it's worth the expense.
Many of these tips are
designed to encourage--and assist--developing writers. As
stated in the writer's guidelines, the editors of the Seabee
Log encourage budding historical writers to query
the magazine. Use them to help you prepare a quality
article. All writers--including the editors--benefit from
their review.
Interview one or
more veterans. Write from the veteran's point of
view while remembering to keep the article
historically accurate. While it's good to quote
veterans, don't stuff your article full of
senseless quotes. Rather, paraphrase the material
the veteran gives you and use occasional quotes
to add creditability to your article. Remember,
you're the author, not the interviewee.
Try to write your
article using original documents. (In selected
cases, the editors will provide these documents.)
The key is originality. Don't simply rehash the
works of William Bradford Huie or Samuel Elliot
Morrison or Richard Tregaskis. These authors have
spoken their collective minds. Now it's your
turn. We're not asking you to reinvent history,
but to express your ideas from an invigorating
point of view.
Make the
information flow smoothly. Although it's a great
idea to open your article with an
attention-getting lead, return to the beginning
and tell the story chronologically. Your readers
appreciate a smooth-flowing story that proceeds
logically to fruition.
Write in the
active voice. Nothing kills an article
faster--for the reader and the editor--than one
written in the passive voice. Exercise your verbs
and put them to work. Bind the legs of your
descriptive adverbs and adjectives. Let verbs do
the talking. Try "Their travels took them to
every small island, inlet and bay off the south
coast of Florida Island" instead of
"They would travel ...."
Describe action
scenes in vivid detail. Draw the reader into the
story so he or she understands what it was like
to be there. And don't forget to tell the story
from the perspective of the veteran. Use
anecdotes, but remember to keep the story
historically accurate.
Stick to your
story. Think about your theme. It's not enough to
simply say, "I came. I saw. I
conquered." Find the underlying story and
tell it. What drew Caesar--or the Seabees--to
Great Britain? If there's a related story, use a
sidebar to tell it. While you may uncover a
fascinating story about Caesar's cook, save it
for your article on great military chefs. Don't
clutter the article with several mildly related
Watch spelling and
grammar. Although the spell-check feature of your
word processor will save from thumbing through
the dictionary, it doesn't help with homonyms.
It's too easy to mistake compliment for
complement when you haven't heard from your
eagle-eyed proofreader because you're burning the
midnight oil. Get a copy of the Elements of Style by Strunk and White and study it daily.
Oh yea--put that proofreader to work. The editor
of the Log once stocked a lineman's
truck with a boom and wenches. While the
electrician certainly appreciated the
companionship, he quickly realized that for want
of a wrench, the job was lost.
And from the
before-I-seal-the-envelope department: When
you've yanked your article out of the printer for
the last time, ignore that inner voice that's
driving you to rush to the Post Office and drop
it into the drive-through mailbox. Set it aside
and get reacquainted with your family. Wait a day
or two. When you return, it's time to put on your
editor's cap. Methodically review your
manuscript. Analyze each sentence and paragraph
with an eye for detail. Check and recheck the
facts. Correct spelling and grammatical errors.
Check the name, rate/rank and unit of each person
in the story. Get your atlas out and check each
geographic name. (Remember the Seabees have
journeyed to some exotic places.) Then read
through your story and play 20 questions: Does my
article convey what I'm trying to say? Are the
facts straight? Does it proceed logically from
the from beginning to the middle through to the
end? Am I telling one story? Am I using
descriptive verbs to convey action? Are any
annoying word processing remnants hanging on?
When it's finally
time to seal the envelope or click the send
button, check your article one last time. Are you
using a simple, straight forward font like Times
New Roman? Does your package look professional?
If sending an electronic submission, are you
sending it in plain language? And, of course, it
never hurts to check spelling and grammar on last
Exercise your
craft. Write, write, write. Take classes. Read
writer's magazines. Writer's Digest and The Writer, among others, commit a significant
number of articles to nonfiction techniques. Read
David A. Fryxell's monthly column in Writer's
Digest. Since you're already online,
subscribe to one of the free online newsletters.
EditPros (SM), an
editorial management firm in Davis, California,
publishes an extensive list of online resources.
And, finally,