The cooks and bakers of the armed
services are truly the "unsung heroes" of the
military. No longer worthy of names as
"stewburner," "gutrobber" or
"hash burner," today's cook works long hours,
producing quality meals for the crew.
And their work is never complete. Air
Force, Army, Marine, Navy and Coast Guard food service
personnel are on the job seven days a week. Many galleys
and mess halls have the lights on 16 or more hours each
Holiday routine for the crew doubles the
work load for the cooks. But the cooks don't complain.
Thanksgiving and Christmas gives them a chance to show
their stuff and produce a spread worthy of 5 stars.
These stories tell of the hard work of
military food service personnel.
USS Bonhomme Richard
Hosts Chef and Holds Food Expo 
Reengineering Navy Food Service: Moving from Innovation to Implementation

Star Accredited Galleys 
Pacific Fleet Afloat Galley Winners 
U.S. Atlantic Fleet
Afloat Galley Winners 
Navy Cook Spices Up Duty
Chefs Cook Up Recipe for Success on USS Tarawa
Management Specialists Learn Culinary Arts from Renowned Chef
USS Harry S. Truman's 2nd Annual Food Show Extravaganza
USS Estocin Mess
Management Specialists Prepare to be South American Ambassadors

Burner: Safety, Efficiency of MBU Reduce Burden on Army Cooks 
Cooked Meals: Containerized Kitchen Exceeds Army’s
Standard for Field Feeding 
Foods: Natick Hopes Irradiation Gains Consumer Acceptance
Kitchen Means Hot Chow 
Sweeps Three Coveted Air Force Awards
Connelly Awards
Twin Army
Cooks Featured in Fitness Magazine
Food Service: Improving
Quality of Life for Sailors 
Stars for Food
Food Service Prize Awarded to Destroyer
Coast Guard Excellence in Food Service Awards for
New Rations Bring Hot Turkey to the Troops
Culinary Competition
Completes 25th Year
Cooks: Barbie, The Cook
Cooks: Together
Ney and Hill Award
Winners Named
Mobile Bay, Vincennes
Exchange Cooks at Sea
7th Fleet
Staff Cook Enjoys Unique Appointed Place of Duty
2000 Philip A. Connelly Awards
Food Plan Reaches Air Force Missile Alert Facilities
Home Cooking:
Marine Corps Kitchen Brings
Garrison Amenities to the Field 
Ready-to-Eat, Set the Standard for Military Rations 
Processing Industry Advances 
Hangar Bay
Buffet on USS Wasp 
Navy Food
Service Initiatives Being Tested Onboard USS Tarawa
USS Buffalo's Cooks Get Schooled
at Bottom of Sea 
Tent City Dining
Facility Fully Operational
Military Leaders
Sample, Rate New Field Rations
Senior Airman King
Helps to Set Up a Field Kitchen at an Operating Base in
Southwest Asia 
Field Kitchen Up
and Running at 'Caserma Barbarisi' 
Mess Provides Hot Chow to Expeditionary Marines

A Letter from a
Visiting Chef 
Culinary Arts
Program Boosts Skills of MIDPAC Sailors 
Brooks Team had
'True Grits' in Cooking Up Space Menu
Mess Management
Specialists Cook Up Innovative OJT
11th ACR Cooks
Train for the New Millennium
Navy Food Service
...Trying to Make a Hard Job a Little Easier
Coast Guard
Excellence in Food Service Awards for 1999
Every Chow Line
Leads to Natick 
New burner unit to
revolutionize way cooks prepare meals
Army's best dining
facilities receive recognition
Combat Ration
LogisticsFrom Here to Eternity 
Feeding Hurlburt's
special operators requires a special brand of food
The Best Chow in
Hurlburt Field,
Andersen take 1998 Hennessy trophies
Services personnel
set up in the desert
Evening chow
brings firerfighters together
Marine Mail: Why
not use the old style mess kits?
News from the
Philip A. Connelly Award Program
Sigonella Sailors
Cook Up Training, Savings
USS Carl Vinson
cooks compete in culinary arts competition
Submarine Force
food service award winners announced
MSC announces Food
Service Excellence winners for 1998
March designated
Navy Nutrition Month
Archived news
