By JOSN Joseph L. Rehana
USS Independence Public Affairs
YOKOSUKA, Japan (NWSB) -- Baseball memorabilia, classic movie posters, nautical paraphernalia and even 50s style rock 'n roll features have created a new look on the mess decks of USS Independence (CV 62).
Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) funds helped make life at sea a little less routine and more enjoyable.
"Just because the ship is decommissioning doesn't mean the crew should have to suffer," said Chief Warrant Officer Billy C. Hashey, of Oldsmar, Fla., the food service officer.
"The money for the TVs, jukebox and new stereos all came from MWR," said Hashey. "It's money mostly from Indy's Ship's Store, so we wanted to do something for Indy's crew while we can."
An estimated $15,000 was spent on the new items, said Hashey, "but most things have been donated. A lot of work was put into a letter writing campaign started by Hashey," said Master Chief Mess Specialist (SW) Andrelito G. Concepcion, of Manila, Republic of the Philippines. "He wrote to sports clubs, the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame and even to agents in the movie industry to make this all possible."
"We still have four new stereos to install, but we're waiting for cabinets before we put them out," said Hashey. "Everyday we get a little more done, and every mail call, we receive more donations to display.
"The sport's display includes donated items from real sports stars. If anyone has with them a sports memento they want preserved and displayed for others to enjoy, we'll be happy to add it to Indy's collection," said Hashey. "All these items indirectly belong to the Sailors of Independence and are here for their enjoyment. We hope that the items will be respected and taken care of for future enjoyment too."
Navy News Wire "B" story NWSB369, dated November 4, 1996.